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Upcoming Events

May 19, 2023

2023 One Day Seminar


Cooperative Conference Center

Columbia, SC






November 5 - 7, 2023


47th Annual Educational Conference on Workers' Compensation


Embassy Suites, Myrtle Beach, SC

Details available Summer 2023


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to the South Carolina Workers' Compensation Educational Association's website. I would like to begin by saying that it is an honor to serve as your President. I am grateful to all of the individuals in this organization who continue to work, devote their time, and lend to the vision to make the SCWCEA the strong, successful association it is today.  The Board and staff hope your plans include participation in our many educational programs.


​The nature of handling workers' compensation cases is changing for all of us. The nature of teaching and learning is evolving. Society itself is changing at an unprecedented rate.   It's hard to predict what effect these changes will have on our futures.

​ The SCWCEA will continue to educate workers' comp professionals for challenges we are experiencing and to prepare for those we don't know exist yet.  It is vital that we work together more effectively, share insights more broadly, and face our challenges more cohesively.  By doing this, we will be better able to serve our clients with relevant knowledge and treatments that improve their lives.






The SCWCEA conducts educational programs and provides educational resources for our members and the general public pertaining to the South Carolina Workers' Compensation Act and its administration by the South Carolina Workers' Compensation Commission.

The SCWCEA is proud to support Kids' Chance of South Carolina, Inc.  Kids' Chance was created to provide scholarships and support for college and vocational education to dependents of South Carolina workers who have been fatally or catastrophically injured in a work-related accident.

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